Hi, everybody - hope you’re all having a great summer so far.
Our website has been up now for a month and a half, and hopefully we’ve been able to roll with punches while dealing with the few glitches that inevitably come up. Everyone who bought a copy of “Michelle” should now have a clean, updated version that has eliminated any typos and formatting issues we’ve come across. We’ll make sure this happens for the other books as well, so look out for update information from michaelaba.com in the near future.
We’ve had a great response to the free download of “Effective Speaking”, which has a Muhammad Ali theme to it and will be available all summer. Again, I reached out to everyone and offered an alternative way to download it, so if anyone is still having trouble viewing this story, please reach out to me.
Most people seem more surprised at the songs. I don’t know if you’ve all noticed there are four CD’s hidden over the pictures in the Songs section. I thought hitting one CD and seeing 40 songs would seem daunting; hopefully it’s been more of a pleasant surprise when you accidentally notice the others. I’ve got lots more to share, and we may be inserting a basement section to the Songs page where I can feel free to post the real early ones alongside the others I’ve recorded via Garage Band. Stay tuned.
I’m going to try and blog once a month, and I’ll probably talk about a particular story I’ve written someday, or maybe why I wrote a certain song. Don’t worry - I’ll try and keep it short! But for now, I just want to thank everyone who has found their way to michaelaba.com. The positive comments are definitely appreciated! Join the mailing list - and the screenplays will be available soon! Happy July!